
Clothing and clutter fixes sse
Clothing and clutter fixes sse

clothing and clutter fixes sse clothing and clutter fixes sse clothing and clutter fixes sse

NEW V1.1: Added bash tags so it works properly when using Wyre Bash. Its a lot of records (a few hundred) hopefully I didn't miss anything. NEW V2.0: Adjusted every weapon added by Summermyst Enchantments to mirror changes in WACCF. Optional Patch: I have uploaded a patch that corrects minor inconsistencies between WACCF and High Level Enemies. To be safe, load Andromeda low on your load order. NOTE:The patch on Kryptopyr's patch hub for CACO and CC Survival Mode will also conflict with Andromeda. This patch has ONLY the necessary changes and will not conflict with anything. The patch I found on Kryptopyr's patch hub WILL conflict with Andromeda since it makes changes to a standing stone. Optional Patch: I have uploaded a fix that resolves conflicts for WACCF and CC Survival Mode. Main File: This is a patch that carries over the level list changes made by Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes into Summermyst Enchantments.

Clothing and clutter fixes sse